Lab Energy Shutdown Tips

Powering down campus for COVID-19 applies to our labs as well. Consider these tips and tricks for reducing lab energy usage while we are away from the university.

By Matt Wolsfeld

Lab Energy Shutdown Tips

As USask prepares and powers down for COVID-19, this resource can assist lab managers in quickly identifying energy-saving measures during reduced schedules.

For those looking for shutdown tips for offices, residence, and other spaces, read our other guide.

Lab Energy Shutdown Checklist

With lab schedules changing due to our response to COVID-19, it is good to consider that labs are some of the largest energy users on campus and huge cost savings can be made by conserving energy while away. Our Work Green Labs Checklist can be used to quickly ramp down energy use during reduced schedules due to COVID-19. To get started, make a checklist of equipment that can be temporarily "decommissioned" including computers, equipment, refrigerators, freezers, and fume hoods. Use post-it notes to quickly canvas your lab space and identify items that can be powered down to save energy.

Download the Checklist

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