Work Green

Work Green is a workplace champions initiative at the University of Saskatchewan that allows university employees to act as a Sustainability Champion for their workplace. In exchange for acting as advocates for sustainability and helping to engage their colleagues in sustainable behavior change, Champions receive:

  • Access to helpful resources
  • Administrative support and expertise from the Office of Sustainability
  • Collaborative discussions and forums at quarterly meetings
  • Opportunities to shape sustainability on campus to their needs
  • Workplace sustainability grants

If you are interested in joining Work Green and becoming a Sustainability Champion for your workplace, please visit the Work Green web page.

The Work Green program is currently under redevelopment to provide better supports and opportunities for USask staff looking to become involved in sustainability.

Green Pack

Green Pack is a group of student sustainability volunteers around campus who aid the Office of Sustainability in implementing sustainability-related events and initiatives around campus. Green Pack members have access to:

  • Volunteer certificates and resume building opportunities
  • Solutions for volunteer hour requirements
  • Networking opportunities with sustainability professionals around campus
  • Opportunities to shape campus sustainability
  • Access to exclusive draws and events

If you are interested in joining Green Pack and volunteering towards sustainability on campus, please visit its web page for sign-up information.

The Green Pack program is currently under redevelopment to provide better supports and opportunities for USask students looking to become involved in sustainability.