Work Green Labs

Work Green Labs logo

Work Green Labs was created to address the major sustainability challenges that are specific to laboratory environments. We understand the diversity of labs on campus and the unique, specialized requirements of researchers and their work. A major focus of the program is ensuring proper safety measures are followed, which increases lab safety overall and often lowers water and energy consumption at the same time. This program offers you and your lab the opportunity to save money, increase safety, be more sustainable, and network with other staff and faculty across campus.

Sign Up

As a lab unit supervisor at the University of Saskatchewan, we would like you to recommend and approve someone to be a Work Green "Champion" for your workplace under the new Work Green Labs program. Participating in this program will show your support for the university's existing commitment to sustainability and garner additional support and funding for transforming your labs' operations into a more sustainable model.

Champion Duties

The duties of the Work Green Labs Champion include:

  • Completion of a workplace checklist and updating it semi-regularly (2-3 hours upfront, ~1 hour monthly ongoing)
  • Attending group meetings 2-3 times per year (2-3 hours per meeting)
  • Sharing updates from the Office of Sustainability with colleagues (~1 hour per month)
  • Average Total Time Commitment: 2.5 hours monthly

How to Sign Up

To sign up as a Work Green Labs Champion, please complete the following steps:

  1. Obtain the permission of your supervisor.
  2. Complete the Work Green Labs Champion Application Form
  3. E-mail the signed and completed form to the Work Green Labs program co-ordinator.
  4. Wait to be contacted by the Office of Sustainability to arrange an introductory meeting.


In order to certify your workplace as an official Work Green Lab, the Champion must:

  1. Download the Lab Checklist.
  2. Complete the Lab Checklist on behalf of your lab.
  3. Send the completed checklist to the Office of Sustainability.
The Office of Sustainability will provide a Work Green Labs Certificate to your laboratory upon completion of the above steps. The laboratory and its certification will be posted on the Work Green website and will be announced in the Work Green newsletter.

Fume Hood Awareness

Did you know that, when improperly used, laboratory fume hoods can use as much energy in a year as an entire home?

The Office of Sustainability and Facilities have partnered in a Fume Hood Awareness Program that engages labs across campus to bring them on board with fume hood energy efficiency. If all labs on campus were to use fume hoods according to their best and most energy efficient practices and encourage all of their colleagues to do the same, the energy savings could be enormous.

If your lab is home to fume hoods, please ensure they:

  • have their sash closed when not in use,
  • are being used according to their best practices if they feature modern or altered ventilation systems, and
  • are not being used as a long-term storage space for chemicals or equipment.
If you are unsure of any of the above, please reach out to Facilities via their PAWS channel to inquire further about your specific space. 
