Office of Sustainability

Office of Sustainability Contacts

Picture of  Dana Kwan

Dana Kwan BComm
Community Engagement Coordinator

Dana works with staff, faculty, and students to facilitate the development of a strong culture of sustainability that is visible throughout campus. By supporting and carrying out the Sustainability Strategy's community engagement objectives, she helps to achieve the vision of a campus community intentionally choosing and initiating sustainable behaviour in all areas of campus life.

Picture of  Janelle Hutchinson

Janelle Hutchinson MA, BE, BSc
Chief Sustainability Officer

As the University of Saskatchewan's first Chief Sustainability Officer, Janelle leads the implementation of our Sustainability Strategy 2021 - 2030: Critical Path to Sustainability and assists leaders across the organization with moving the work of the sustainability strategy forward. Janelle works with individuals within key portfolios with specific responsibilities for academic/curriculum, research/discovery, institutional operations and external engagement to implement the strategy. Additionally, Janelle is responsible for institutional-level sustainability work such as reporting on the success of the strategy and other sustainability-related initiatives, coordinating governance and advisory tables, creating and managing policy and procedures, leading communications strategies, and representing the university to external stakeholders.

Picture of  Matt Wolsfeld

Matt Wolsfeld BSc, MSEM
Reporting and Engagement Specialist

Matt works to celebrate and map the progress of the Sustainability Strategy and to facilitate the development of a strong culture of sustainability that is visible throughout campus. By supporting the collection of sustainability data across all areas of campus life, reporting on the progress of the Sustainability Strategy, and leading campus sustainability engagement initiatives to bring all community members into the fold, he helps to create a campus community that intentionally chooses and initiates sustainable behaviour, contributing their part to achieving USask’s sustainability goals.