Teaching and Learning Resources

The University of Saskatchewan makes resources available for its faculty who want to integrate sustainability topics and concepts into their curricula.

Integrating Sustainability into Curriculum

Are you a faculty member of the University of Saskatchewan interested in integrating sustainability into your curriculum, but unsure of where to start?

Starting in 2015 the Office of Sustainability has collaborated with the Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching Effectiveness and the Regional Centre of Expertise for Sustainability in Higher Education to offer professional development opportunities for faculty who wish to integrate sustainability concepts into their existing curriculum.  Their Course Design program offers a sustainability approach that allows faculty to identify how sustainability applies to their course content.

Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development in Saskatchewan (RCE Saskatchewan)

The Regional Centre of Expertise (RCE) program is an initiative of the United Nations University-Institute of Advanced Studies to help advance the U.N. “Decade of Education for Sustainable Development” (2005-2014).  RCEs allow local organizations engaged in Education for Sustainable Development to collaborate with one another, and to link up with other RCEs around the world. This means collaboration among elementary schools, high schools, universities and technical institutes. Regions identify their own sustainability issues and develop educational activities that focus on these issues, which are all documented and researched.

RCE Saskatchewan involves academic faculty and employees from several higher education institutions in our province, including the University of Saskatchewan.

Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE)

The University of Saskatchewan is a member of AASHE which provides resources, professional development, and a network of support to enable institutions of higher education to model and advance sustainability in everything they do, from governance and operations to education and research. 

The AASHE website has many education and research resources for faculty.  (Note that some resources are available to members only. Anyone with a usask.ca email address can set up a profile and then access all resources.)