Online Resources


Maude Barlow. 2007. Blue Covenant: The Global Water Crisis and the Coming Battle for the Right to Water.McClelland & Stewart. mdash; Barlow (author of Blue Gold, 2003) continues to highlight the issue of fresh water scarcity in her new book, Blue Covenant.

Sproule-Jones, Jones, Heinmiller. 2008. Canadian Water Politics: Conflicts and Institutions. McGill-Queen's University Press. mdash; Water has been (and will continue to be) a valuable resource, as well as a source of conflict in Canada and around the world. This book explores how water management and policy presents significant challenges to governments, stakeholders, and citizens.

Karen Bakker. 2007. Eau Canada: The Future of Canada's Water. UBC Press. mdash; This book discusses fresh water issues in a Canadian context, as well as outlines some possible solutions that might exist.

Solomon. 2010. Water: The Epic Struggle for Wealth, Power, and Civilization. Harper. mdash; Solomon highlights the water struggles and breakthroughs that have shaped our societies through time.

Villiers. 2003. Water: The Fate of Our Most Precious Resource. McClelland & Stewart. mdash; De Villiers examines our history of water management, including the results of mismanaged waters.